Bad Choices v3

m1kh43l 19

Are you tired of playing Boat?
Do you run out of cards halfway through the game?
Do you like making bad decisions?
Then do I have the decklist for you! This deck has everything!

No really, we put every anarch card and some non-anarch cards into the list. Bankhar has us ask "what if every corp was Jinteki?" And our answer was "Fat stacks!"
But then we pulled a bunch out because anti-synergy

So now we have the deck before you. It handles a bit rough at first, definitely takes some getting used to, but once you're there, it runs like a dream.

Ideal opening hands include at least 1 card that draws more cards. We're running full playsets of everything except Into The Depths (stupid influence restrictions) and that's because we don't care about drawing duplicates! this list runs so much draw it's almost impossible to run out of cards, and tossing out duplicates (or steelskin scarring) to bankhar or carnivore feels amazing!

Econ is a little tight, you can run on mostly empty for a long time, but about midway through the game, if you can drop a liberated accounts and click a few times, it'll really take the econ pressure off. just make sure the opponent doesn't score out a cryptocrash shortly after or you're back to square one.

doom rig looks something like this:
Matryoshka with 2 copies on it, carnivore, 1-2 PPVP, bankhar, twinning, verbal plasticity, no free lunch

Ideas for changes: I've been considering removing the earthrises for the sure gambles that don't exist in the list because of the aforementioned econ issues, and I've never ended up playing earthrise in my games. I've also considered putting in clot since fast-advance lists can get an advantage in the midgame when the remote is vulnerable but multiaccess missing from the doom rig.

If you try it out, drop a line here to say how it went! cheers!