October Surprise [Eternal] 5th at CoS

Near-Earth Hub Broadcast Center

17 influence spent (max 17, available 0)
22 agenda points (between 22 and 23)
54 cards (min 45)
Cards up to The Automata Initiative
Too many copies of a limited card
2023 World Champs
Agenda (12)
Asset (21)
1x Malia Z0L0K4 ●
3x Mumba Temple β—‹β—‹β—‹β—‹β—‹ β—‹
3x Museum of History β—‹β—‹β—‹β—‹β—‹ β—‹
1x Sealed Vault ●
3x Turtlebacks ●●●
Event ()
Hardware ()
Operation (12)
2x BOOM! ●●●●● ●
1x High-Profile Target ●●●●●
Resource ()
Upgrade (3)
Barrier (2)
Code Gate (2)
Icebreaker ()
Multi ()
Other ()
Program ()
Sentry (2)
Legality (show more)
Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest)
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active)
Pre-rotation decklist
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Shishu 720

I really wanted to play eternal at CoS for Worlds this year, and it turned out Izzy's team needed an eternal player. Unfortunately due to work, I didn't have time to participate in any of the eternal tournaments leading up, but after studying the meta and lurking in the GLC channel, I determined that it wouldn't have helped much anyway and that I should just bring something unexpected and completely unhinged.

My initial thought was Ob, but there were two big problems with that:

  1. Points on Ob were tight

  2. I didn't want to have to make a bunch of proxies because ObViously I'm playing Ob in standard (though I did have to have to swap 1 Rashida between the two decks anyway because I foolishly gave up my alt arts at ECCC for I don't even remember what)

So I settled on Museum NEH and built something from there. Funny enough, I got 5th in the first Eternal tournament back in 2019 with Midseasons + HPT, though I played neither card this year. Under the Bus would have actually been a good choice in this deck, but I foolishly assumed none of my opponents would be on Film Critic. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ There were other cards I didn't get to play but would have had lines to, so I'm fine with keeping all those.

The goal of this deck is to draw everything you need, make a shit ton of money with YDL, and get back what you threw out from overdrawing. There are 7 asstets you can install both activate your ability and get 3 more goddamn cards to your hand. We're also playing Spin Doctor over Jackson for flexibility in terms of points and to get the instant draw that maximizes YDL; my highest individual play was net 10 credits at 12 cards and the highest total was 9 credits, then 8 credits.

While this may not have been the most optimal deck to bring, I believe it would have done much better if not for the fact that I faced THREE decks playing Astrolabe, including World Tree Wu round 1.

It went 3-2, losing to said Wu and Esa. It managd a 24/7+Boom vs Noise and Andy, and eeked out a win by scoring vs Hayley.

Changes I would make for next time; -1 HPT, -1 Turnpike, +1 Under the Bus, +1 Tour Guide. Maybe a current or something because Rumor Mill does hit a lot more targets than I thought. Buuuut I also have 4 2/1s and SanSan so maybe it's okay.

Shout out to QTM for being the best Netrunner group and NSG for holding an awesome tournament. I didn't get my stone Ob, but there's something particularly amusing about trying to take a picture of the one I did get.

picture of the shiny jakuza ob with a phone reflected

Points Used:

Breaking News 1pt

Sensie Actor's Union 2pt

24/7 News Team 1pt

Spin Doctor 1pt

Museum of History 2pt

Runner deck.


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