snowman 56

Welcome to hell! If you're the runner, that is.

The idea for this deck hit me like a lightning bolt one night; Score an ARES as fast as humanly possible, stack DRT's in remotes and cover centrals with tagging ice = a locked out runner. After the first score, you can roll out your drip econ and sit back, make cash(Dripping for 15+ is possible), and either score Project Beale or AR-Enhanced Security from a naked remote or from behind a Data Raven with a Mumbad Virtual Tour camped in there.

To address the elephant in the room: "Why u no play NBN: Controlling the Message???" The extra influence really matters, IMO, and the draw of NEH is just too good to pass up. Mulligan for ARES and play bold is a...strategy? Game plan. Yeah, that's better.

This list is still a 1.0 version, constructive criticism is always appreciated.

22 Mar 2018 FreqKing

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22 Mar 2018 FreqKing

Couple thoughts, you have 3 cards already, why not drop a Localized Product Line and fill out some green picks? Executive Boot Camp or Shadow would play with your game plan. Then use Consulting Visit to get your copy of Localized Product Line. Also, definitely needs Hard-Hitting News. I'd also say might as well go full 54 card prison with Museum of History. Otherwise, the runner just trashes Dedicated Response Teams and your lock fall apart. I like the idea, think it may have legs.

22 Mar 2018 Saan

Ah, that reminds me of the old N.E.A.R.P.A.D deck, or the (imo better) High Assets variant. I played the deck out of these decks back in the day, and I gotta say, you'll definitely want some recursion. After all, once you have the runner supposedly locked out, their avenue of attack is simply draw up and kill your DRTs. After that, you have no other tag punishment, and they can wear all the tags they feel like.