Taxi - its Taxman meets JintekI

x3r0h0ur 8970

Cheap to rez and taxing shit on centrals, big shit on the remotes, using marker to prevent inside job, and force ETRs on tsurugi and ichi's Hell they even work on pop ups, and other markers!

If the runner has yog, it sucks, but is doable. If they don't, its a pain in the ass. Basically you have centrals covered, and then 1 remote as taxing as possible to get in.

12 May 2014 Cancer Ace

I see this as a cheaper to operate deck that runs very similar to my Make 'em Pay deck, except without running all of the ambushes I use. Why Marked Accounts, if I may ask? Are you just looking for drip econ with a high trash cost? I usually will stick a Sundew behind Himitsu-Bako or some other simple ICE and have no trouble protecting them. It just seems like a strange place to spend influence. Other than that, seems like a pretty solid build.

12 May 2014 GreatGreedyGuts

As someone running a similar-in-concept deck (a variant of db0's Untrashable), I'm curious what your solution is to econ-heavy runners like tag-me criminals, with all their siphoning. Is it to just not care about the cash lost, or is there more to it than that?

12 May 2014 x3r0h0ur

Well a good counter is how cheap the ice are, it forces them to slow down and find breakers, and while they're doing that you're setting up drip remotes, which if they trash, are further hindering their build up. I'm not positive how well it works, I've only tested vs prepaid chaos theory, which I did manage to beat.

5 Jan 2021 d4spien

Sorry for hijacking an old post but i dont know if theres a way to pm you here. I am an old player wanting to get back to the game. I was hoping if you can make a decklist for a jinteki:rp deck using the current cardpool without limiting yourself to any restricted or banned list since this will be a casual deck anyway. I would really appreciate your help. Thanks.