Omar CDM23 v1

willybn1 143

CDM23 is a new limited format for Netrunner where players are limited to cards from Core (multiple) and all Deluxe sets, plus Mumbad and 23 Seconds cycles.

The idea is to set the players in the current Android universe i.e. in Mumbad or New Angeles in the months after the events of Twenty Three Seconds, to encourage players to utilise more the cards from these 2016 cycles

This deck is fairly route one as it was mainly designed by my 11yo son. there is plenty of econ and he likes searching for the viruses with djinn, which is a good use for clicks 2, 3, and / or 4 after he has played Peace IOT. I want to get him more confident in running. There is no influence for Temmy J nor is there any answer to tags and damage other than Sports Hopper and I.H.Worse.