Panda v0.4

Fentonizer 337

(I don't own every expansion, probably only about half and only 1 x core)

This could win really easily and quickly with some lucky runs on R&D, and the whole deck is mostly built to do this; my only concern is that it's a one trick pony and once the Corp clocks the plan and can set up enough ICE in front of R&D, the is deck will struggle to break through that.

But I guess, if the corp has to spend a long time protecting R&D because of the HUGE threat to it that this deck is, they will be spread too thin to safely advance agendas and runs against servers and HQ can proceed normally.

There's not a lot of Icebreaker in this, the hopes is that the game will either be over before the corp can be properly set up, or that the runner will have enough , Inside Job and Tinkering on hand to make a late game winning run easy enough.

Built for Panda to play against a Weyland deck I'm building, and frankly i'm terrified of going up against this.

10 Mar 2015 pleaix

why not corroder > breach?

11 Mar 2015 Fentonizer

@pleax Thanks :) will take a look for the inevitable v0.5