Jaytee's Latchwork-4

Tsothoga 16

Lat and Earthrise Hotel for card draw, Patchwork and The Artist to install as quickly as possible, and then Khusyuk (4) repeatedly to find agendas in R&D. If too much ice gets in the way, HQ Interface is there to pressure the Corp in a different direction. Levy and Same Old Thing are a layer of defense if the Corp tries to grind your deck into the ground. Nothing ground-breaking here, move along.

10 May 2019 Tsothoga

Most critical note I can make is that getting the Patchwork in your hand right off the bat is critical, and I'll Mulligan to try and draw one.

I've edited this deck some after running with it a few times:

  • 2xLevy is a waste, replaced 1 with Interdiction. Fun for trashing an NGO or running a server with an unknown Upgrade.
  • Feedback Filter went to Misdirection, since I've often got a memory slot open. This could just be a result of my local meta loving tags. Can also be tutored with SMC or Clone Chip, so it's a great option to feed to Patchwork when installing in a hurry.

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