Whizzard: Master Troll

RoyalRatAuthority 26

Highly aggressive, resource driven Whizzard deck. Nothing new, you've seen the archetype.

Here are some notes on piloting:

Whizzard: Three free Whizzbucks each turn lets you trash San San City Grid, Marked Accounts or Eve Campaign for $2, and PAD Campaign, Melange Mining Corp, Adonis Campaign, GRNDL Refinery or Jackson Howard for free. Plus: He's magic!

Crypsis + Corroder: Crypsis can break any ICE, but obviously carries some drawbacks. Corroder is a highly efficient barrier-breaker, which means those drawbacks only come into play for code gates and sentries.

Grimoire: It would have been nice to have the recurring credits from Spinal Modem, but it's a little risky to run the Modem in the current NBN dominated meta. Still, Grimoire is relatively cheap, gives free virus counters to three of the four programs in the deck, and gives you enough memory to run both breakers and have four slots left for Parasites and Datasuckers. I look forward to that glorious day when I've got all three Datasuckers out and just tear through everything without spending a credit.

Account Siphon + Deja Vu + Same Old Thing: Play Account Siphon. Play Account Siphon a lot.

Dirty Laundry: Normally I think Dirty Laundry is a so-so economy card, but it works surprisingly well in this deck. It's icing on the cake when you use it for an archives run after a turn of Data Leak Reversal trashing, and it synergizes well with John Masanori and Datasucker.

Resources: If you manage to start your turn with a tag, Joshua B and Data Leak Reversal, you can trash five cards from R&D in one go. John Masanori is surprisingly helpful, since you don't care about tags and this decks big weakness is card draw. Fall Guy is just a dick move to make the Corp waste an extra click + $2 before he can get rid of Data Leak Reversal. Ideally you want to have a whole bunch of resources installed before you get your first tag, and once you've started floating tags try to install in batches. It's a lose-lose situation for the Corp when they have to decide between wasting a full turn and $6 to clear them, or letting you keep them on the board.

13 Apr 2014 Intrasolar

nice deck, i'd be nervous running so few breakers but i've also seen crypsis just wreck

14 Apr 2014 RoyalRatAuthority

Crypsis + Corroder is pretty resilient, since Crypsis can break any sentry that threatens to trash programs, and can always be brought back with Deja Vu if you have an oopsie with virus tokens. This decks big weakness is card draw, but once you have spent enough clicks drawing to get both breakers up and running, you're pretty unstoppable. Even Power Shutdown isn't much good against this deck, because you can sacrifice a Parasite or Datasucker, and recur with Deja Vu.

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