Ice cream please

Diogene 4240

In the beginning, I was attempting to do econ warfare with Reina. It did not work so well. That because I tried to do it like a criminal. I'm an anarch. I don't steal things, I break them.

But if I break them, I don't do it for free. See, I'm a professional fighter. And I would like to be paid for breaking your stuff.

Out with the cheesy intro. Here are the combos. Flip Switch + Run Amok + En passant. Without breaker you can run a iced server with Run Amok (the server with the agenda of course). The corp rez (costing them cred +1 or +2 with Xanadu), the corp lose the ice. Corp does not rez to stop you, or rez only the second ice, no problem. In any case, they don't rez, you get to run a server for only 3 creds. You steal or trash whatever is there. Then you En Passant the server to trash the ice they thought to save. They rez, you jack out with Flip Switch, no problem for you, the corp lose the ice. You smile in all cases.

You only have eater. Which is the most efficient breaker in the game. Trash the cards is the name of the game. You then run the less iced of HQ or R&D. Run HQ to Bhagat them out of a card from R&D. Run R&D to Stargate (even better) them a card from R&D. Either way, you get to safely put a card in archive (you never access them, unless the corp did not rez any ice, in which case : Free run!

Another one, for early pressure (ideally with Xanadu), with Flip Switch, you can run any ice, make the corp spend creds if they rez (more expensive), jack-out then run elsewhere. The corp will be too poor to rez the next ice.

Also, PAD Tap is there to give you cred or force the corp to spend creds, making it more likely that you can pass their ice with impunity.

Professional Contacts really accelerate the deck a lot. Note that ultimately, you won't be able to get the 3 Rezeki on the board, if you have a Stargate and Eater. But the likelyhood of getting 3 Rezeki before game end, from experience, should be about 1 in 6 games.

Finally, Hijacked Router is good vs asset spam. In a pinch, you can use it to force the corp to lose 3 cred, after a run on archive (you'll get to visit archive often).

If you do not find agendas in the archive, or if you cannot access Archive for some reason (who triple ice their archives?), you can try to deck them by grinding them out. This deck can destroy 6 to 9 ices. Most corps have 12 to 15 ices (1/3 of the deck). This should thin out the protection.

With this, you should be able to apply early pressure. Since 15 cards out of 45 are econ cards, if you do not get your pressure card early, you should be rich by the time you get them.

The work ice for this deck is Chiyashi. If you are lucky, you will get to make the corp rez with Run Amok. Or you'll trash it with En Passant. Otherwise, it will hurt a lot.
