Simpleton CI

Wyrm 1087


Runner ClicksYour opponent won’t need the above.

Reduce Netrunner to a simple game. The corp has 1 click, and the runner has 0 clicks. Even a simpleton can win.

Basic combo (requires $19, hand of 2x Biotic Labor, 3x Load Testing, SFMM, Friends, 2/3xClone Suffrage Movement, Jeeves, and Victoria in the bin):

  • Install and Rez Jeeves($2, ** clicks remain)
  • Biotic Labor($6, ***)
  • Biotic Labor($10, ****)
  • sfmm and rez -> 3x CSM ($14, ***)
  • Jeeves Triggers ($14, ****)
  • 3x Load Testing($14, *)
  • Friends and Rez -> Victoria Jenkins($19)

No I don't have any answers for Chronotype or Jak.

29 May 2017 CritHitd20

I love this deck idea, but I believe the combo listed above has a problem. Playing Friends is terminal, which passes the corps last paid ability window. The runner moves to step 1.1 and gains their 1 click before step 1.2 when the corp gets their next paid ability window to rez Victoria. Unless I misunderstand how Victoria works (and I've never used her) the runner should have one click to trash her.

29 May 2017 Wyrm

Unless I'm mistaken and I may be, but Friends ends the action phase which is 2.

You have all of 3, the Discard Phase still left to go, and specifically you would rez Victoria in 3.2. After all, you still have to discard down to 5 cards after Friends no?

29 May 2017 CritHitd20

You right! I've never seen anyone utilize step 3.3 before so I never knew there was a window to rez during the discard step, but there it is in the ufaq! Glad this combo works then, it's too goofy not to love.

29 May 2017 wynalazca

Hopefully with your 1 click turns you can score 7 points before you deck yourself...

29 May 2017 wynalazca

Ignore my lady comment... Museum is a go!

29 May 2017 Artacker44

Finally a Load Testing CI get popular.

ELP still sucks in my opinion.(It doesn't suck that much if the runner doesnt play a run event, but who does not run Dirty Laundry?)

A Decklist before Power shutdown errata.