Revenge Guaranteed, Protection optional v2

Ortho 105

I came 9th with this list at the BABW finals, missing out on the cut on extended strength of schedule. Argus went 4-1 but my runner performance couldn't match it and I finished 6-4.

It's still the same rush archetype as previous published versions of this. The new additions are Spiderweb and Snatch and Grab. I found Film Critic was in almost every matchup so Snatch and Grab was useful. Corporate Town remains as a card I'm more emotionally attached to than anything. Didn't use it at all in the BABW event but it's done work in other tournaments. It's great anti-Noise tech.

The only loss was to Laurie Poulter's Gabe on Drugs. The extra cards were a pain to deal with but I primarily just couldn't keep him out of centrals. Then parasites started appearing and what little ice I had was datasuckered down. Criminal is a bad matchup in general I think as this list is quite ice light and you need to take the time to bunker down a bit at he start. That messes up the whole game plan.