Arm Motions v2

Heinrich 1

A pretty straightforward Reina deck focusing heavily on early game aggression. This deck was developed with my good friend Oniya.

This deck's main strategy is putting pressure on the Corp's economy with Rook and FAO and ensuring early game access with Knight.

Econ: Lots of it. Though everything in this deck is pretty cheap, Knight is an expensive breaker to use. For that reason, we went with Hedge Fund, 2 Armitage, 3 Liberated, and 2 Kati Jones. Swapping a Liberated Accounts for another Armitage is a good idea if you find yourself low on spacebucks often.

Deep Red is a no-brainer include in this deck. Considering our reliance on chess programs, Deep Red is a fantastic increase in efficiency and MU, and is a steal at 2 spacebucks. It also enables some fun mid-run tricks with Clone Chip.

Influence: FAO. Really great with Reina's ability or Rook. Using FAO at +1 spacebucks forces them to think more heavily about their decision. Using it at +2 or even +3 spacebucks is just mean.

We went with Mr. Li over Contacts as our draw. This is a deck where you want to find what you need quickly. Crescentus lets you push their economy even more by making them re-rez Ice, hopefully at an increased cost.

Clone chip is the most important include in this deck. Chess programs can get trashed pretty easily, so being able to recur them is a must. We went with Clone chip over other forms of recursion because it allows us to get programs back mid-run, which can save a run or even your life if you're using Deep Red.

Other inclusions: Datasucker, Bishop, and Ice Carver are in here to enable static breakers, for when the Corp has enough Ice to make Knight not enough.

A single Medium and Nerve Agent are in here to be searched up with Djinn. If the Corp ever locks you out of a server and forces you to spend time building up your rig, these are not a bad idea to get out. Otherwise, I wouldn't waste time looking for these.