Multizone 2014 Store Championships 1st Place Runner

Ensades 111

This was the winning runner deck for the first Store Championship hosted by the Ottawa/Gatineau Netrunner Grid at Multizone in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada.

In 5 rounds of Swiss, this deck won 4 games (vs. HB ETF, HB ST, NBN MN, Jinteki RP) and lost 1 (vs. NBN TWIY).

Main play here was getting the Test Run/Scavenge combo to get Torch installed, and then running every turn. Leftover Scavenges were used primarily to recur Imp, which caused some serious damage.

Toolbox and Lockpick were key in making Torch runs super cheap. Normally I'm also going for R&D locks, but I don't think I managed to get more than one Interface on the table in any one game on this particular day.

Pro Contacts was hugely important, as you might expect. But Stimhack I think takes the cake for MVP, as it managed to surprise some corps when they thought they could safely sneak in an agenda while I was broke.