Blue Fun

Spenny022 1

*Republished with slight change (-1 Caduceus, +1 Hunter)

Hey, entering my first tourney soon. I have played RP in the past and considered entering with that, but I really enjoy playing Blue Sun so I've been playing around with this deck for awhile now and would appreciate any and all feedback.

Pretty standard Blue Sun here I think. I ran Government Takeover for awhile just to decrease Agenda Density and to Punitive it out, but I don't want to get unlucky with GT pulls out of R&D in the tourney so I went to 7 agendas instead. I'm going with 3 punitive instead of Sea Source scorch here, what do you guys think of that? Still running two times scorch though to keep the runner in check, I could reduce this to 1 maybe? 3 Snares because Snare. Ice is where I think the most advice may be welcome? (Loving Lockdown)

Right now I'm running Valley Grid to put in my scoring server to assist with Punitives, but I could always drop this gameplay and go back to Sea Source Scorch.

Anyway, What do you guys think? Do I stand a chance?

*It should be noted that this is the first tournament in our Meta, no one has tournament experience.