
Galatea 25

A credit denial and attention confusion deck. The main focus is to manipulate ice with expose to make the corp spend money and to run on many servers so the corp spreads themselves thin. The main interaction is Blackguard with Silhouette's ID and Snitch, and of course the opportunistic Account Siphon. Expert Schedule Analyzer and Deep Thought scope out whether accessing cards from HQ or R&D is worth the trouble (DT also incentivizes the corp to spend a turn wiping virus counters every once in a while, among the other confusion) and the central servers-only icebreakers get you in there as efficiently in-faction as possible to do that Legwork. If not, the weakest server is a great target for Security Testing.

The other plan going on is to score Notorieties and Quest Completed to keep the game moving forward even if you're unable to find agendas (inspired by this deck: Quest Completed works well with expose and the first time it's used will be a surprise.

13 May 2014 reverendanthony

If you're running that many Notorieties and Quest Completeds you may want to invest in some Feints -- if I get account siphoned, I'll put at least two ice in front of HQ just to avoid Inside Jobs, but Feint's like "oh cute that's cool"

13 May 2014 Galatea

I was definitely agonizing over cutting Feints when I was deckbuilding! Last thing to go. I will have to try and see if I can do without, and if not, trade out those Emergency Shutdowns.

14 May 2014 Thike

Is Snitch worth it? With Sil's ability you can rez all the ICE you want, not just the stuff right in front of you. Although I guess it does keep them too poor to rez HQ ICE.

Is DT a better option than Chakana? While DT fits in with the exposing information theme, Chakana might pressure the corp more.

14 May 2014 Galatea

Snitch might be overkill, though having the chance to both rez ice twice a turn, especially with Emergency Shutdown, or guarantee one if I can't make it into HQ is really good wiggle room to have. Though, if it seems like I don't need it, I will probably switch out it and ES for Feints and Inside Jobs.

I definitely like Chakana and use it as pressure in my other deck, but the main reason for Deep Thought is to know whether it's worth accessing R&D or not. It's there to have information to decide more efficient runs, and I think having a strong lock on the centrals is its own pressure.

14 May 2014 falseidol

Blackguard+Feint+Snitch(es) is just vicious. Obviously needs a little setup, but if you're playing Blackguard anyway, getting to blast into a server and fruitlessly rez their ICE is badass