Same Old Andy - Feedback Appreciated!

TonyStellato 783

This is the Andy I'm considering for Worlds. I want to start preparing a deck now, so I have a few months to perfect it. Any feedback is appreciated. I want to have a very flexible deck, so do keep that in mind.


Sure Gamble, Dirty Laundry, Kati Jones, Desperado, Security Testing, Symmetrical Visage, and Daily Casts.

The deck has plenty of money. It might have too much, but I don't want an old-school Crim deck that runs out of steam half-way through the game. A lot of this is run-based, but the 1x Daily Cast, the 2x Kati, and the 2x Symmetrical Visage should help in the glacier match-up. I'm looking at either this econ package or switching some cards around for 3x Daily Casts with 2-3x Career Fair. Career Fair is really good in Andy because it can make your fast start WAY faster. It can also free a card from hand so you can run first turn! I don't know, suggestions are welcome.

-Card Draw-

Fisk Investment Seminar, Symmetrical Visage

I might be too light on card draw here. Earthrise would go in the Career Fair package if I were to swap things. 3x Special Order will help find the breakers I need. I rarely don't run 3, even when I never use them. Its a mental safety net, I suppose.


Corroder, Sherman, Faerie, Mimic, Femme, Yog, Atman, Suckers

The breaker suite is just a tad dated, but I like how familiar it feels. Corridor for barriers (Sherman for Blue Sun and NEXT ICE, btw), Mimicsucker and Faeries for sentries, and Yogsucker for code gates. Its so classic. The Atman will be set to 4, since I need a way around Lotus Field, and the Femme is for problem ICE like Tollbooth.


RDI, Drive By, Fisk Investment Seminar, Legwork, Employee Strike.

Probably too light on R&D multi-access. 3 Legworks for a win-condition. Fisk Investment Seminar is a beautiful tool for finding those Agendas. With 3 Legworks, its a given.

Drive By is iffy. I don't love the card, but it works against a lot of popular decks. I compare it to Hacktivist Meeting; when it works, it is impactful, and it should theoretically work well against the big corps. NEH, RP, and some HBs are unhappy to see this played, but I fear it will be a dead draw too often.

Employee Strike is my new fascination. Its worth the influence, for sure. I wish there was room for a second, to be honest. It shuts down so much. Without the Inside Job/Shutdown combo, I needed something to hurt Blue Sons economy. Employee Strike has that covered. Employee Strike also slows down NEH, butchers RPs tight scoring remote, denies easy money from EtF, Disarms a lot of various flavours of dagmage-jinteki, and shuts off corp currents. Even against the less-popular-but-viable corps (I'm looking at you, Haarp and Foundry), it is effective. Its worth the influence, and its worth the SoT slots. having this active for most of the game is so liberating.


Film Critic and Crash Space.

Film Critic is amazing, obviously. It protects against so much, while also doing wonders in non-kill deck match-ups. Accessing a TFP with this installed feels amazing, and I don't want to be Midseason'd to oblivion.

The 1x Crash Space makes a lot more sense when you aren't worried about Midseason. With a full grip, this protects you from Sea-Scorched-Scorched, 24/7-Scorched-Scorched, and Posted Bounty-Scorched-Scorched. Film Critic saves you from Midseasons and Punitive Counterstrike. They are both 1x, so maybe more draw is necessary.

So that's what I got right now. Tell me what you think I should change, if you don't mind giving feedback. I am really considering:

-2 Kati Jones

-2 Drive By

-2 Symmetrical Visage

+2 Daily Casts

+3 Earthrise Hotel

+2 Career Fair

....and then finding a card to drop because that's 46 cards.

20 Aug 2015 valerian32

Seem nice. I agree that you need more drawing

I like for drawing Mr. Li. Since you don't draw more, but you draw what you need and it's specially useful when you have so much different cards in your deck.

I also like in every deck some card of exposition and Drive by seems a good choice.

If you put Mr. Li you can diversify, for example using 1 infiltration and 1 drive by (or satellite uplink) . But maybe it's because my personal meta.

I also prefer Daily cast over Kati Jones but that's my particular preference. Also with Mr. Li it's better to have mutliple options.

Have fun! = )

20 Aug 2015 saltytacopanda

What if there's a Batty sitting behind an Ichi?

20 Aug 2015 sruman

A few thoughts:

  • You mention it, but I'll throw in my opinion that Drive By is not worth it. Lots of more solid blue cards to include over it.

  • I see what you're saying about sherman, but I think breach can handle blue sun decently on just saw extra cost on remote if necessary with corroder. The 2 influence can go into a deja vu (or clone chip) that might get back that crucial breaker from a power shutdown or something.

  • symmetric is great but unique, so perhaps dropping one for an earthrise or another form of card draw? this would help find the singular symmetric (which isn't crucial) and could be used with the symmetric out as well.

  • Employee Strike is a solid card, but a 1-of current seems to be too variable to help consistently. Seems like a decent candidate for swap out and freeing up an influence.

Your change thoughts I think are good. But I would keep 1 Kati and 1 symmetric because they almost always good ( with exception of maybe last few turns of game but then is daily casts or earthrise really that good then?). Career fair vs. dirty is a tough one. With desperado out, I'd say dirty is marginally better (depending if it's a "just because" run or not). With sec testing and datasucker out, dirty is way better.

20 Aug 2015 johncraven

yeah you need career fair, super good with daily cast, earthrise, and andy for turn 1. i would cut symm visage, imo no longer relevant with fisk seminar. Your breaker suite is a bit too cute imo, I would just get redundant copies of corroder and yog. Another RDI would be nice. Employee strike is a good card, doesn't matter that it's a one-off, it's more of a bonus anyway.

20 Aug 2015 TonyStellato

Alright, the changes I made are these:

-2 Dirty Laundry

-2 Drive By

-2 Symmetrical Visage

-1 Special Order

-1 Same Old Thing

-1 Kati Jones

+3 Career Fair

+3 Earthrise

+2 Daily Casts

+1 Mr. Li (I can't run Career Fair without him)

I also switched the Crash Space for a Plascrete for no reason other than fear, but I'll probably go back and forth on this one. If D&D tagging becomes popular by Worlds (likely won't), then Crash Space would make more sense. I'd like to get rid of the Sherman but with no Emergency Shutdowns and Inside Jobs, I just don't feel comfortable with the Blue Sun match-up. I don't know how I'll put in Infiltration or any other meta calls if they become necessary, but only time will tell if they are needed. I dropped some tricks and utility for essentially more card draw and economy, and I don't know if I want to run with so little up my sleeves. Siphon, Fisk and Legwork is probably enough though. I just want to make sure I don't have any TERRIBLE match-ups.

Thanks for the help, all!

20 Aug 2015 johncraven

The Blue Sun matchup is about early siphons + employee strike. The matchup you should improve is NBN FA, because Fisk seminar is a terrible card against it. I dunno about removing dirty laundry, it's so much value in andysucker.

20 Aug 2015 TonyStellato

If that Empolyee Strike is at the bottom of my deck, I don't know how I'll get a leg up on that match-up. Usually my Andys are fine against Blue Sun because I run Stuff like Kati/Daily Casts and then when I have a lot of money I siphon, shutdown, and then drop my tags. But I can't do that in this deck. I agree that Fisk is bad against NBN, should it be a 2x?

20 Aug 2015 johncraven

nah, it just means you gotta be more careful against nbn or not let them slip that first APP past you. you have a lot of card draws you should find that employee strike, i guess you could also play emergency shutdown 1x