
RetroVirus 46

This was the corp deck I piloted at Netrunner Worlds 2014, ending up at 101st place with a record of 7-7. It's a straightforward glacier/taxing deck, meant to set up huge ICE with Eliza's Toybox and score from big remote servers. Shinobi was a late addition to the deck, and managed to flatline an opponent during Swiss. Overall, though, it's a slower deck, and without the proper ICE or money to rez it, will be picked apart by runners with money and clicks to spare.

17 Nov 2014 RetroVirus

In my first publishing I somehow forgot to add the Eliza's Toybox and Melange that were also part of the deck. As a 1-of, Melange is a really nice econ boost that often forces runners to trash it as fast as possible, and with taxing ice, can create a nice scoring window after a run.