JDeng's Kate Is Not Dead - Pittsburgh Regionals 1st Place

Wyrm 1087


Kate, girl. Where did we go wrong? Seems like just yesteryear we were setting fire to Damon’s underwears.

This one's for you.

Everyone abandoned Kate

Because PPVP was placed on MWL

They hoped they wouldn’t see her face on my playmat,

As an Identity, cause that would mean she is not dead
Kate is not dead

I'm so glad that Kate is not dead

Kate is not dead

I'm so glad that Kate is not dead

Kate is not dead

I'm so glad Kate is not

Just the plops! Just the plops now!

They were cracking wise at Kate

But in their defense her popularity was waning

They hoped she wouldn’t make the cut,

Due to all of the IG, ‘but too bad for them JDeng's a lucksack

Kate is not dead

I'm so glad that Kate is not dead

Kate is not dead

I'm so glad that Kate is not dead

Kate is not dead
I'm so glad that Kate is not dead

Kate is not dead

I'm so glad that Kate is not dead

Kate is not deeaaad

I'm so glad that Kate is not dead

Kate is not deeeaad

I'm so glad that Kate is not deeeeeeeaaaaaaaa...d

11 May 2016 grogboxer

Oh my god I cracked up so damn hard! For those who don't get the reference: www.youtube.com

11 May 2016 CodeMarvelous

@Wyrm how big was pittsburgh? I am trying to get a sense of regional attendance.

11 May 2016 Wyrm

@CodeMarvelous 35 Players, same as Las Vegas

11 May 2016 CodeMarvelous

@Wyrm I have been really interested in a more middle of the road Kate deck. How did this do?

11 May 2016 Wyrm

@CodeMarvelous I hope to write a stimhack article soon so stay tuned for that. To directly answer your question now, Kate had 1 loss on the day due to Pilot Error. I managed to dodge IG which is her Achilles Heel, but I think she can stand in the ring with any other Corp out there right now.

11 May 2016 podoboyz99

@Wyrm PDX also had 35 people and was held on the same day as the other two. That's crazy. This list looks really on point, but what do you do if you cant find ProCo?

12 May 2016 moistloaf

Dodged IG.... That's fortunate ;)

12 May 2016 Wyrm

@podoboyz99Overdraw until you find him. Install what's completely necessary and keep up your credit pool to ensure clot / breaker can be tutored to keep the Corps honest.

@moistloaf Lucksack for life.

12 May 2016 podoboyz99

Also, I can't express how happy I am that people are playing 45 card Kate decks again.

12 May 2016 LSK

How does this fare against Palana? It feels like the economy's probably not good enough to make two runs against a scoring remote when you need to :(

13 May 2016 bluebird503

@podoboyz99 its ok were playing 46 cards elsewhere :)

15 May 2016 Wyrm

@LSK It performed well against Palana for me, although part of that was luck. Good thing is, you don't need to make two runs against a scoring remote with Political Operative. It matters quite a bit when you draw your ProCo, so what I would say is they have around a 4-5ish~ turn window to score nisei and if they don't they are in big trouble.

15 May 2016 rwknoll

I've seen several Kate decks like this floating around, and several have performed quite well. However, when I try to net deck it and test it out, I feel like I don't know how to pilot it well. I've been playing more stealth builds and other random stuff lately, so this requires a paradigm shift for me.

What do you mulligan for? What's you're priority for installs on the first few turns? Any general tips?

15 May 2016 Epimer

Really like this list. Did you find you got more mileage out of Parasite and Datasucker than D4v1d (+another slot)?

19 May 2016 Wyrm

@rwknoll Most of the time you are going to mulligan for Professional Contacts. Unless you have something extremely good like astrolabe, smc, sure gamble, hyperdriver, you will always be attempting to win the ProCo Sweepstakes

@Epimer Much more mileage out of Parasite. It shuts down some decks that otherwise can snowball out of control like the more recently popular Palana Grail and Tour Guide Gagarin