L4J4Cheap - 1st Place GLG Anarch/Jinteki

podoboyz99 2364

I took this deck to the 14 person GNK tournament at Green Lake Games in Seattle, WA, on 9/20/15 and won first place. This was the second in a series of tournaments where the whole tournament has to build only one faction for corp and runner, and the acrylic flip ID of those two factions was the prize. This time, it was Anarch/Jinteki only. My more unorthodox corp deck can be found here:


The day of...

Round 1: Rush RP (Ivan)

I got off to a mediocre start, with some basic economy, but got all my breakers really fast and started pounding HQ, Stealing each agenda right after the corp would draw it, so I got to 6 points very fast, forcing my opponent to slow down. I stabilized my economy and layed down a Film Critic, and started pounding RND until I got a Future Perfect on a click 3 run, and fortunately no Snatch and Grab. Overall Record: 2-0

Round 2: Rush RP (Johnson)

A mulligan into a no economy hand is unfortunate. I lay down a Medium and go digging, seeing nothing. I peddle twice, still seeing no econ. this sets me mack majorly. I play a grinding game where I get into RND a lot in the mid game, and eventually get locked out of a remote. I go RND digging with a Film Critic and 2 clicks, seeing 5 cards, and nothing. I suspected there was a lot of agendas in his hand but I never had the econ to get through a Pup>Pup>Eli server ever and I couldn't draw a second Parasite or a Clone chip for my life. Overall Record: 2-2

Round 3: Chronos Protocol Anti Rig (Maxwell)

I get off to the best start this deck can get to, an early Armitage and Peddle into a breaker. A Celebrity Gift early shows me a House of Knives, and he rushes it out. I get a little to aggressive and faceplant into a Cortex Lock, losing a hand of breakers. I take some time to recover and he scores a Fetal and a Future Perfect in his remote. I start pounding RND with medium, and hit HQ a couple of times just to make sure he doesn't have the agenda in hand. Then I assume control of the game (even though I am down 0-6), trashing all his Batty’s and Caprices’ off of RND for free, and he starts to have money problems. He tries to sneak out a House of Knives, but I get it, and Film Critic all his agendas off RND. Overall Record: 4-2

Round 4: Chronos Protocol Scorched Earth (Zac)

I don't remember much of this game, due to the fact that I was so jittery because I knew if I won this game and the game next to me split, I would win. I do remember he got flooded early and scored a Fetal and an NAPD early with me just ignoring them, and that he overdrew with Jackson so he could Celeberty Gift (to conceal the fact he had SEA Source in his hand), but didn't have enough credits to play the Gift. Next turn he showed me the SEA Source with the Gift, and he had no agendas and no Scorch in hand. I RND locked for the win, Drawing up whenever I hit damage, and he never saw a Scorch. Overall Record 6-2, 1st Place.

Playstyle: Pretty standard L4J, with a new twist to accommodate for Street Peddler. I put in lower cost econ and breakers. For this reason, you want to be as quick as possible, and try and be more aggressive than regular Whizzard, but don't play into their remote game if you don't have to. you can also run on low econ most games and only take money when you need it due to the fact you have only one fixed strength breaker, and that means less rig development time, more running.

Card Choices:

  • No Career Fair? Removed it to play I’ve Had Worse, and got to keep the event count low for Peddler.

  • Armitage Codebusting. Works better with Peddler, and it's better than clicking for credits. Makes up for lost econ from Career Fair.

  • SMC: What I spent my 3 extra influence on. Atman was too expensive, and you need the consistency.

  • Street Peddler: one of the main focuses of the deck. An article on why it’s good can be found on Stimhack.com.

  • ZU.13 Key Master: Why screw around with Net-Ready Eyes when you can play this decoder for 1?

  • MVP: Film Critic. Totally shuts down Jinteki. Definitely worth the influence

Changes: None. I believe that this deck is optimized to its fullest right now. However, it sucks against Weyland. Suggestions are welcome.

I have always loved Whizzard and Nasir, so now I can run Whizzard with Nasir’s horrible econ! In all seriousness, this deck is good against other factions. I played 2 grindy games against rush RP, and neither of those were fun, but this is a dynamic deck that likes to put a lot of pressure on. Big thanks to everyone I played, and to @jakodrako for organizing the tournament. :)

22 Sep 2015 CJFM

Gratz Noah! Wish I could've made it to the tourney!

23 Sep 2015 AsteriskCGY

Going to borrow this for a Kim deck. Might swap an Armitage and Casts for 2 Scrubbers. Or imp.

23 Sep 2015 podoboyz99

@AsteriskCGY if you are going to cut something for Scrubber, I would recomend taking out a D4V1D and a Liberated, as opposed to the cheap economy.

23 Sep 2015 AsteriskCGY

@podoboyz99that's a good point.

24 Sep 2015 hi_impact

I've always considered L4J to be tied in with Net-Ready Eyes.

Were all 3 Clone Chips key? Seems like you could scoot by on two.

26 Sep 2015 podoboyz99

@hi_impact In a Jinteki only pool, the three Clone Chips are very necessary, due to the popularity of Chronos Protocal. Also, Net Ready Eyes are pretty bad agianst Jinteki. If you were to take out a Clone Chip for something, you would have to almost always Peddle into Clone Chip when you hit it, which means that you will be discarding economy that you just Peddled. Also, instant-speed Parasites can save you a lot of the time.