Startup BTL Rush - 1st at Bern CO (3/0)

Spongetrim 1

Went 3/0 at Bern Startup CO and felt pretty great.

We want to play very fast, something I feel most runners struggle with in current Startup. To me, it also seems more fun than the punitive counterstrike/clearinghouse/giga-glacier variant.

Early we rely on cheap gearchecks, hoping to get an early archer with the new 3/1 agenda and/or fixing central servers with tucana. This tempo spike can be huge and should enable us to reach game point quite fast.

A late game server with an archer and a triple advanced pharos (Tree line <3) holds out a lot of runners. Still we have the option to fast advance a 3/2 with slash & burn.

Honorable mentions: - Tributary makes everything harder for the runner, pretty much at every stage. Expected much, was not disappointed at all.

  • Charlotte is one of the best cards in the deck and seems to deserve its slots. Great with BTL, especially the extra card really helps us out. Feels bad for the runner to contest. Also great to deceive the runner (install adv. an agenda makes it look like Charlotte - may come in handy against hermes decks or to straight up jam the next agenda).

  • The agendas felt very good and i would not change anything from what I saw this tournament. If we could free up 4 influence for a biotic labor, that would feel great, but I feel lile the influence is already well spent.

-Business as usual made everything a lot smoother. Threat 3 usually comes early, and to be able to dump on a 4 counter fermenter or a big leech while still scoring that turn is just amazing.

Loser of the day: - Regolith mining license was only played as a bait for the runner and I was happy when they took it. Money was surprisingly good even without it and I feel there should be a better alternative - to spend two full turns emptying it never seemed to be a good line. Happy for suggestions (Maybe malapert, crisium grid or other upgrade tricks?)!

I played against 2x Seb & 1x Ayla which couldn't quite keep up - altough the Ayla deck managed to steal two 1-pointers in it's last turn, ending on 6 points.

I feel there are quite some tricks to be explored furthermore. Anyway, it was a blast to play the deck.

Thanks to all my opponents for the fun games, BIG thanks to ataraxis for organising another great event and bringing the community together! <3

3 Jun 2024 jaj_danbury

I swapped the Regolith Mining License's out for 2 Malapert Data Vault's and 1 Crisium Grid. I took the revised deck to a Startup tournament, and whilst I didn't win the tournament, the deck did well and I felt the revisions helped, if just a little!