Freedom Khumalo has weaponised Fermenter

ChonkySeal 8

Have you ever played against an annoying asset deck and been unable to keep up with all the trash costs? Have you ever accessed HQ only to be greeted with lots of rude operations? Have you ever wished you could weaponise a Fermenter?

If any of these apply - you might need to seek help.

Brought this funny looking Mulch deck after considerable testing/coping, as I thought it would be an interesting meta call. The ability to trash key corp cards at little-to-no cost was greatly appealing, particularly critical operations (Public Trail, End of the Line, Punitive Counterstrike and Seamless Launch) which would otherwise be difficult for other decks to directly deal with. Botulus, Audrey and Boomerang gets through a lot of ICE early, and can really cause the Corp some grief if you can consistently allow your ID ability to fire - there is no greater feeling than trashing Svytogor Excavator, Rashida Jaheem and Spin Doctor for free :) Friday chip forces the corp to waste a turn purging eventually, and helps keep a steady supply of virus counters flowing to your real cards.

Keiko is sadly necessary for the +2 MU, but works really nicely with Paladin Poemu to keep you at just enough credits to get by and get some decent multiaccess with the Twinning. Very fun to be able to gain a credit from installing Simulchip :)

Revolver felt amazing in testing as a cheap way of dealing with a lot of sentries around the format. The deck normally has to play fairly low income, so being able to break Archer for 4 credits is quite nice. Having a real set of breakers was extremely necessary in order to close out games when the Simulchips start to look tight.

While the deck felt really good going into Nottingham Regional, it had a somewhat disappointing 1-2 performance on the day. As with any virus deck, Mavirus is a blowout card in the right circumstances, and having it recurred with The Powers That Be is truly devastating. The deck just has to draw its cards in the right order or it can struggle to keep up with the top-tier corp decks - with all of the redundancy duplicates, you can easily draw keiko/twinning without keiko, cookbook and no viruses, buffer drive and no Audrey. By the time you get through the deck, the full rig is potent and threatens some nasty resources loops and flexibility, but that doesnt matter if the game is ending on turn 8 :(

Overall, the deck was a lot of fun to play, though I went 4-3 overall - largely carried by my corp deck but missing out on making the cut with two back-to-back losses in the final 2 rounds. Many thanks to @Dreadmaw and @Harmonbee for organising and to everyone I got to see at the event, as it was a fantastic experience!