Mercury in Retrograde (2nd at Suburban Wasteland 2024)

Zeebag 151

This is the deck that helped get me to 2nd place at the Suburban Wasteland tournament at my house this year! The deck plays in basically the exact way you would expect:

  • get Hermes installed asap
  • hammer centrals with bypass for juicy multi access
  • boop anything you can from the scoring remote if you touch gendies
  • sneak in the backdoor if the corp over extends protecting r&d and hq for the win

I've been loving Mercury as it's an ID that promotes very aggressive play in the early to mid game, which can overwhelm the corp. An added bonus is that the games are usually pretty quick so it gives more time between rounds at a tournament to crush a beer!

As always I want to say thank you for everyone that can make it to Suburban Wasteland every year. I love getting people together to play this silly game, and rest assured if you couldn't attend this year you can come next year!

Gwumbus forever


18 Aug 2024 formerteen


18 Aug 2024 Zeebag

Yes please

19 Aug 2024 clercqie

Just commenting to say that Bloc Party's Intimacy is criminally underrated. Nice deck title.

Deck itself looks fun!

21 Aug 2024 Fox Ex Machina

Gwumbus forever.