Everything is Yoggable

epy0N 22

For me Professional Contacts are too slow, so I used John Masanori instead. That made the place for singleton Inside Job to surprise the corp.

4 Feb 2014 LeonardQuirm

Kitman, interesting! Although with no tutoring I'd be worried about what happens if the Corp plays a Swordsman with another Ice in front - you're basically stuck losing programs or locked out until you get Femme out.

Also, just to check - are you aware that Inside Job has anti-synergy with Kit? Her adding of code gate will happen to the piece of Ice you bypass, since you had to encounter it. Still a useful trick for an unexpected second run in a turn though!

4 Feb 2014 LeonardQuirm

Oops, just noticed you do have a couple of Test Runs. So used to SMC I didn't notice them as an alternative tutor!