HB FA Tampere Store Champ Winner 9ppl Undefeated

RTsa 362

Original list had Tollbooth instead of Lotus Field. Built the deck wrong the night before tournament and did not check it, so not using all influence... :)

28 Feb 2015 gumed85

How important was executive B. Camp?

28 Feb 2015 RTsa

@gumed85 It was a meta guess..I had some problems vs Valencia blackmail recursion and there was one in the tournament, but we didn't play against each other, so EBC was pretty useless..I think I might've fetched one Jackson in some game, but other than that, it was crappy (though if that won me the game, then I guess it was worth it?)

DBS on the other hand was immensely helpful in one game where the runner didn't trash it as it was protected behind 1 unrezzed ICE..5 turns in a row got to hide an agenda. Would've been way too flooded to win if I didn't get to do that. Every other game DBS was trashed very quickly, but then it worked as a tax. So I'd probably change EBC to DBS now..