King Kahuna

gumonshoe 2987

It's a puzzle, mostly. See if you can install all the things and surf to victory before your opponent can seal the game. If you get up to 6 clicks, you pretty much win.

Sifr is mandatory as a solution vs Sandburg. If you paint the outer ice, you can surf it in, reduce it's strength to 0 and break on the cheap. That should open up any servers that are left.

Multi threaders are also mandatory in this deck. For one, they make surfer a free bypass, for two they are each like an additional click on opus supposing you run every turn. If your opponent let's you rig up, they're done.

Also note that egret is a solution to excaliber if that comes up in a matchup. Keep an egret in the bin and a clone chip on hand if you're worried about it.

Due to the high mu cost of the rig, this deck relies heavily on daemons. It's the cheapest way to install memory and the 2 mu programs sit easily on leprechauns or dhegs.

Equiv + turning wheel is your central pressure. Which is fine.