The impetus of this deck was the desire to find a play style that was different from the usual Criminal style--hard-charging from the get-go, but losing steam in the late-game. Iain's style seems to be slow-but-steady-wins-the-race.
The events in this deck are also different from the usual Criminal tools. The cards included here are strictly for tutoring the cards you need and to pay for the installs. The Helpful AI, Rabbit Holes and Borrowed Satellites ensure that Underworld Contacts (a.k.a "dirty money") are providing credits early while also enabling a larger hand size and heavy link defense. Calling In Favors is primarily intended for the mid-to-late game to provide powerful burst economy for runs when you have your network up and running.
Summary Gameplay: Get your network in-place as quickly as possible. Use Hostage to get Professional Contacts, Kati Jones, and The Helpful AI (a.k.a, the "Triumverate") into play early, or use them for Underworld Contacts if you draw into the Triumverate. Is the Corp fast-advancing agendas? Take advantage and use Iain's ability to grab those breakers faster. Use the dedicated breakers to put pressure on the centrals. Use Cripsis and Ninja to get into remotes when necessary. Ninja is there for Swordsman.
Remember: this is the Criminal that shines in the mid-to-late game, like a Shaper. Take it slow, but steady -- like drinking a glass of scotch. Savor the experience.
The initial build of this deck was WAY too slow on the credit side, so many of the usual Criminal tools were swapped out to make room for dedicated econ and tutoring. Money seems to flow much more smoothly now. Still testing the build speeds.