Enforced Cybernetics 1.0

Saracenar 14

TL;DR - Reduce the Runner's hand size by any means necessary, then Scorch. The deck dies to Aaron Marron. Advice wanted to get around him. Please help.

With SIFR coming out, I wanted to try and build a deck that didn't care much about the strength reduction and punished the downside of the console, that being to lower the Runner's maximum hand size by 1 for the rest of the turn.

This deck takes advantage of the new current, Enforced Curfew. Combined with the ID ability, it becomes quite easy to get the Runner's hand size down low (especially if they are using SIFR). If you can score a Self-Destruct Chips or get them to hit Cerebral, all the better. Then, you recycle Cerebral Cast until they can't take brain damage, and take a tag instead. Then you Scorch them.

Double Prisec into tags is also an option. You only need to have the current online in order to kill them, provided they don't have any protection.

Alternatively, you can try to do enough brain damage to kill them, or score out (not impossible, but definitely not the primary win method. Don't fire ABTs (unless you know for sure that the only cards in R&D are ICE, of course).

Use Jackson to recur Cerebral Cast and Prisec, or Friends. Use Friends to bring back ICE or AAL for money, or Prisec (or CVS - basically anything that you need).

The deck doesn't run super poor but it's not rich by definition of the word. I'd like to run a Biotic to make it easier to get a SDC out or score out should the kill plan fail. However, I don't think I have enough money.

The main problem with this deck is that, even though I built it as a soft-counter to SIFR, the deck gets pretty hard-countered by another Runner card that came out in the same pack, that being Aaron Marron. I am really not sure how to deal with this guy, as once he has counters, the Scorch plan is pretty much out the window unless I can bait runs onto Prisec or Cerebral enough times to run him out of counters. Because the deck is not rich, I can't play Snatch and Grab, and even if I could, he would just choose the tag option and then avoid it if he had counters.

Voter Intimidation would be great as I have been playing around with it in Palana, but it's too much influence considering the other cards I am using. So, I'm kind of stumped. I expect to see lots of Aaron Marron being played. So do I just shelve the deck and try something else?

I could just change out the Casts and Scorch for Mushins and add more Overwriters. Could be good. That would also leave influence for Crisium Grid which I probably need quite badly to stop Siphons.

Any advice would be appreciated.