Chaos Theory: Paint the Morning Stars v2

omegalife2002 3047

I have been addicted to Chaos Theory lately and trying to find the best rig to have her build. I recently built this out and have been having a blast playing it. Super strong and pretty fast.

The basic idea is to get your Dinosaurus and Magnum Opus out as early as possible. Then you can start building your rig to match whatever ice the corp is laying down. Make sure to run early and often to keep their ice rezzed. You also have FAO in case you can't risk running something facedown. I try to save the Test Run/Scavenge for Femme and Morning Star and just use one of the SMC to go fetch Paintbrush at the right moment. Try not to lay it down to early as it will work great as a surprise to the corp.

This deck is very strong and works well even without the Paintbrush. I've even had games where I never brought it out because the only thing I needed it for was a Tollbooth and Femme worked better there.

Let me know what you think!

24 Apr 2014 partialcharge

God, Morningstaurus has got to feel good to use. Talk about efficiency! I, too, share a deep love for Chaos Theory and may just try this out. If I do I'll come back and let you know about any changes I try and any great successes or failures. Thanks for sharing! =D

24 Apr 2014 omegalife2002

Oh man, you have no idea! Blowing through 2 Eli's and a full Hive on HQ for 3 credits is nuts! In reality, once you rig is setup, you could probably nuke the MagOps since your runs are so stinking cheap. But I like to keep it around for the unexpected issues like post-Midseasons or something.

Yes, please let me know how your testing goes and any changes you make. I originally had 2 Modded in here (nothing feels better than a Mag and Modded in opening hand!) but decided to ditch it for the Diesel to push on the draw. The main weakness of this deck is needing Dino pretty early, so the draw really helps mitigate this issue. I also put the Clone Chips in late and man, so glad I did. When you hit an Aggressive Secretary with a full rig, you are gonna be glad you have them. :)