(YANL -- Yet Another Noise List)
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I'm no Noise guru. Rather than the result of meticulous testing, this list is a bit of "ehh, whatever" after seeing Imrahil's list while tweaking/sleeving the deck at 11pm the night before the tourney.
The deck went undefeated on the day.
Theoretically justifying the one of `Rara after the fact: usually if you've got an Aesop's, you're ok. The 'rara functions like a slightly weaker replacement until you find a real one, in which case you're supercharged. This is in fact more or less how the grand final played out; I had the 'rara but no Aesops for most of the game, and was mostly okay.
There's no other econ at all apart from the cache's; it seems more `standard' to do something like Josh, and have one each of 'zade and cyberfeeder, and 1 or more daily casts. This gives you a healthier econ overall, but any single one of those cards doesn't replace a missing Aesop's to the extent that 'rara does; you need to get multiples.
Another motivation for the change was space and influence for some goodies (hacktivist, utopia shard). These seemed to do work on the day; Utopia twice flushed an agenda out of hand late game after being hard cast when I was set-up and rich.
I make no claims that this is better than other Noise lists; just that he's strong enough you can do slightly different things and be fine, and posting this mainly for reference.
Wooooo. Glad you liked the list, and welcome to the wonderful world of rara noise :). Glad it served you well on the day.. I like rara so much that I run 2, but third cache and a shard would be pretty sweet.