White Matter v0.1

scd 190

This is my first attempt at making something like a Jinteki brain damage deck. I'm not sure it really works, but I'm curious to see if there are ways to do so. Relies on Tori Hanzo, and putting Tori on a core server, with Cerebral Overwriter as a lure. Whitetree + Sundew is a key economy element; protect the Sundew with some brain damage ICE early to use the Sundew as a lure as well. A couple of Neural EMPs for going in for the kill, provided you're able to brain damage the runner down far enough.

It's an experiment and I'm not sure it's a good one. I would love any suggestions people have for making this even remotely viable!

2 Jun 2014 scd

The agendas are largely from the Replicating Kills deck, with House of Knives in there for some agenda counter + Tori "brain damage on the fly." The Future Perfect, Fetal, NAPD are all to either tax the runner or are intended to be protected with RSVPs on HQ/R&D to keep from being stolen.