Murder Pup (Jank Tournament)

Cliquil 1226

I am publishing this at the request of the great Dave Saiya (rotage). I took this to the ever enjoyable Reading Jank tournaments.

I killed 2 people with a pup, and it took a team effort from a few onlookers and Khan's ability to save on last runner from death.

The combo is simple, in my opinion,

Step 1 - Ensure they cannot jack out. This can be done through Whirlpool, Labyrinth Severs, or Batty Whirlpool

Step 2 - Aginfusion them to your scoring remote, unless they are already running it.

Step 3 - RSVP needs to fire, usually with a Batty


Step 5 - Pup has lots of subroutines, and they all fire Net damage. If necessary Twins it

Murder Pup.

Does this work outside of a jank tournament? It is a bit of a house of cards IN a jank tournament. Can you imagine how to town people can go on your centrals whilst this is setting up? In the name of Jackson it is a LOT. Employee Strike wrecks it, Blackmail wrecks it, Rumour Mill wrecks it. Pretty much most decks ever wreck it,.

But at a jank tournament, I killed 2 people with a Pup. Murder Pup.

Some words on card choices:

There are no Cobras in this deck, or Caprices, or various other cards that would provide alternate plans. I find that in jank tournaments unless one is boxed in to what, in essence, is a bad Plan A you'll tend towards Plan B. So THe Batty is only really good for hitting the RSVP and little else,

Localised Product Line is, I believe, a central part of a jank deck. It pays it way so often.

Also yes there are many cards that would sit better in the Pup slot.

But how many people have you killed with a Pup that way? None.

I've killed 2.

5 Aug 2017 emilyspine

But how many people have you killed with a Pup that way? None.

I've killed 2.

It me.

I think the best part is you didn't even need the third TLDR to achieve Deth By Pup in our game :D

7 Aug 2017 rotage

Amazing deck, you never cease to amaze me with your deck building skills :)