Friendly IG - 6 Wins and 2 Losses in Store Champs 2017

nungunz 236

I've run this for a few SCs now and I am really loving this deck. Do not mistake this for a pure prison deck. Most games I've played pull off the kill around turn 5 or 6.

Whizzard is about the hardest matchup and are my only losses, but I have beaten them as well.

I think the deck is in a solid state right now, but runners are bonkers at the moment. I think Jinteki (RP, PU, IG) are the way to go until something comes out to curb the economic power of runners.

Probably the only change I would do is -1 Psychic Field and add something else in. I'm not sure yet, but probably a third cortext lock.

Genetics Pavilion is actually questionable as I've never really needed it for the kill.....but it does help in some very annoying matchups.

Most kills are Dedication + Ronin using the support of Bio-Ethics, Hiro, or Enforced Curfew.

I don't really feel that the 3rd Ronin is needed. Tech Starts end up being Ronin #3 and #4; it also helps grab Hostile Infrastructure and Breaker Bay as you need them.

2 Mar 2017 Manadog

Do you spend a lot of time clicking for credits early on? I know it's a pretty cheap deck to run but there's only 2 economy cards and they're conditional.

30 Mar 2017 yads

Doesn't look like the deck needs very much money. The most expensive card is Hostile Infrastructure, which is likely being rezzed with Breaker Bay Grid.

25 Apr 2017 AberDamo4

Is there any way at all that this deck survives with the new MWL? 9 pips from the Sensie hit is hard to recover, I know, but is there any feasible way to go?

25 Apr 2017 nungunz

I'd probably do something like -2 Sensie and +1Jackson and +1 Cortex Lock (or Ice or your choice).

25 Apr 2017 AberDamo4

I think you're probably right there, and perhaps there's an argument for shoehorning in the third Tech Startup too, just to give maximum chance of assembling the combo on demand!

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