My dad once cut a copy of Wolf Hall in half (1st Edin SC)

Seamus 4812

I stole Echo’s deck by way of Laurie’s winning Reading list.

Change for Change’s Sake

I changed a couple of ice pointlessly, five minutes before registration, because I was hung over and flustered. I got a Tithonium hit in the Swiss and did a little Mother Goddess locking in the cut so the changes were fine. I think I’d definitely keep a Tithonium if for no other reason than Batty-firing the final sub being a potential out against Film Critic runners.

I also considered swapping a Standoff for a Best Defence (to counter sac con) but didn’t because I’m lazy. Standoff was good on the day so that may have been for the best.

Favourite Play

I got to match point in the final and installed the winning agenda with few remaining credits to defend it. Stephen Stimhacked in, expending him SMC but completing his breaker suite.

As he passed the last ice I rezzed and fired a Batty, remarking with feigned resignation that he had a sac con anyway.

Rather than firing a trash-program I fired the lose-a-click sub on enigma, giving him the Oaktown but denying him his last click to re-establish the Clot threat.

An Atlas token fetched the winning Hostile and the Audacity in hand scored it for free.

Future Changes

Echo agrees that the Marcus Battys should probably be switched for Breached Dome.

15 Jan 2018 lpoulter

Had to log in just to say I really dislike this deckname.

15 Jan 2018 Seamus

But it’s (amongst other things) a tribute to your victory!

15 Jan 2018 echo/

Please remove the libellous statements from the end of this description or I will be forced to contact my legal team.

15 Jan 2018 echo/

Please remove the libellous statement from the end of this description or I will be forced to contact my legal team.

15 Jan 2018 nutritionalzero

Why did he cut a copy of Wolf Hall in half?

15 Jan 2018 nutritionalzero

Why did he cut a copy of Wolf Hall in half?

15 Jan 2018 emilyspine

Peak Dad

15 Jan 2018 emilyspine

Peak Dad

15 Jan 2018 greyfield

A+ deck name

15 Jan 2018 Seamus

@nutritionalzero We were going on a multi-day walk upon which we were carrying food and additional clothing so backpack space and weight was a concern. So, ever the bright spark, he cut the book in half and took the first half with him.

It was my copy and he didn't even finish that half. The bastard.

20 Jan 2018 Murse

If you did change to breached dome, what would you do with all that extracks influence?

20 Jan 2018 Murse

If you did cut batty for breached dome, what would you do with the extra influence?

20 Jan 2018 Seamus

@Murse That was a little joke about me and echo’s disagreement about Skorp around nationals time. I wouldn’t swap in Breached Domes right now.

28 Jan 2018 Krasty

Thanks for this build @Seamus ! With directly this decklist I won SC tournament in Vienna... :o) Incredibly good build you made!

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