new PE (2017 GNK Mannheim, 2nd place, 3-1-0)

Wolfir 9

12 people, 4 rounds 3 win 1 draw

vs. Nashir (win)

vs. Leela (win)

vs. Noise (win)

vs. Andromeda (draw)

but I'm quite sure if I had more time, I could have win

I was actually about to play 2 global food, 1 future Perfect and 2 Ark lockdown but before the game start, when i was checking my deck, i found out that i put 3 global food and 2 Ark lockdown so I just put out my 1 lockdown, so my deck is 14 infl, and 48 cards

Winnig Plan is simple

either win with Caprice and Big ices like Chiyashi or DNA tracker or just make them decked.