
CodeMarvelous 20021

1 Apr 2014 skydivingninja

I'm making a very similar kind of deck to abuse Paintbrush with Yogasaurus. Have you considered replacing Corroder with Inti so you have some influence to spend on Datasuckers? I feel like those are a more consistent, flexible option than Personal Touch, which only gets you to a max of strength 8. Maybe I live in a Curtain Wall/Wotan-heavy meta but that's my first instinct. I'd also put in Escher as a way to catch the corp off guard if they focus too much on keeping you out of HQ.

Do you run into any memory problems running two different 2MU programs, or does trashing one for the other (or a breaker) prove not to be a huge deal?

1 Apr 2014 Hoywolf

Dinosaurus gives free MU on what it hosts so you can have Opus and SMC to use the 4, then have what you need on the Dino.

1 Apr 2014 CodeMarvelous

I loathe data suckers because you can get locked out more easily.

1 Apr 2014 CodeMarvelous

plus personal touch can go on personal workshiop