You shall not pass

Diogene 4455

After many games with "Turtle no more", there was some things I wanted to resolve.

First, it was the econ. I was finding myself racing to get creds, while trying to build a glacier. Second, was the speed. The aim was to go fast, but building a glacier went against it.

My (current) solution is to do what every good glacier deck do, use Jinja City Grid. This give click compression and saves a lot of creds. Also, I now use Corporate Sales Team, giving me 6 agendas (of 9) which bring in econ. Lastly, I also use Improved Protein Source. It synergize well with Saraswati. Yes, it gives 4 creds to the runner, but in exchange, you need only to score 3 agendas (usually).

Another thing of note : No more barrier ices. Paperclip make them too cheap to pass, and almost every runner run Paperclip. The really taxing ices are Mlinzi and Surveyor. Guard is a bit of criminal hate, because scoring early behind one ice and having a criminal use Inside Job to bypass it is hard. Boomerang will still pass it, you can't have everything.

The rest is per usual. Crisium against DoF and Stargate, Cyberdex for viruses and trigger for the agenda, Thimblerig for ice movement. And a Preemptive as tech versus trashing.

It work rather well and goes pretty fast.

Tell me what you think.

24 Sep 2020 Krams

What are your thoughts on 2x Vanilla, just to make the runner actually spent that 4 & 1 on Clippy?

24 Sep 2020 Diogene

@Krams That is a valid point. I'll try it by replacing 2 Thimblerig by 2 Himitsu-Bako. That way, I'll keep having some ice movement (in a more limited fashion). Thanks for the suggestion. I'll comment later on the effects of the change.