The Sun Also Rises 1st Manchester Fake Regional

craigmurtagh 61

I can't stand to think my life is going so fast and I'm not really living it. I am not sure if the Hemingway quote is about netrunner but it does seem to work on many levels. For me the years of netrunner have passed by so quick and after final pocketing some big store credit I only hope for many more years to play the game against fabulous competertors.

Deck I used to win the Neurostasis tournament. Pretty standard Val build only 2 I've Had Worse because I can't find my third copy. No One Home saved me a few times. Indexing closed out games.

As with my Corp deck would like to thank everyone involved.

As netrunner comes to the end and we all wait for the Nisei to take over. And we naturally reflect what the game has given us. I for example have named my daughter after a console. I am off home to look after baby Maw. The Sun Also Rises.