Celebrity Nasir v3

CJFM 2270

In an effort to both make Nasir's game cheaper and bring his breaker-suite into competitive range, this version utilizes at Katman build, using Desperado as console. (This started with Security Testing instead, which I think is also viable in Nasir, but needs another Akamatsu.)

Rig is: Atman 0, Atman 4, Atman 2 (after the others), Datasucker, Inti, Mimic.

25 Aug 2014 DrunkenGineer

It's really interesting to see how the deck has evolved since v1. I figured from the start that Desperado-Atman would be a solid build for Nasir, but I had no idea how it would work; it's good to see that someone's trying to make it happen.

I'm really curious about the singleton Quality Time and Test Run. Are they both worth the slot more than Escher or Scavenge?

Also have you tried Security Testing with a CyberSolutions Mem Chip? Same card slots, less influence.

25 Aug 2014 CJFM

@DrunkenGineer I've been using Quality Time since my older version and it's been fantastic as a 1-off. I've not been sold on Test Run, so this is just a guess. I'm currently running Escher in that slot, and Scavenge in the Indexing slot. Those are probably the correct choices, overall.

I'm going to be playing the Security Testing variant this Wed and Thurs and then take one of these versions to the 128 PAX tourney. I'll let you know how it plays and how everything goes. Security Testing is the same influence as Desperado, but I'd probably use a CyberSolutions Mem Chip in that version (or 2 Akamatsus and -1 Test Run).

25 Aug 2014 CJFM

I'm not certain yet, but I've got a hunch that the Sec-Testing version is slightly worse than the Desperado version. Only testing will confirm ;)

25 Aug 2014 DrunkenGineer

Oh damn, I thought Sec Testing was only 2 influence for some reason. Yeah, I'd put money on Desperado being better.

26 Aug 2014 CJFM

@DrunkenGineer I'm less interested in Scavenge without Femme in here. Escher still seems like a silver bullet to some decks, but it's expensive and a tempo loss for Nasir. I've been happy with one or two Dirty Laundry in the new builds.