Decode This

Frostbyte 41

Okay, here's my take on a Kit deck. Not yet play tested, but I'll update as I do. The idea here is to take full advantage of Kit to run on anything you want early game, but keep up the pressure in mid- and late-game. Here's the break down:

Events: The plan is to pressure either HQ or R&D, then when they've stacked heavy ice, switch to the other. Account Siphon is perfect to pressure HQ, especially early. Dirty Laundry is not a card I've run before, I'll let you know how it works as a money generator. Escher shines very bright in this deck. Once late game hits and the Corps had spent all their time, money, and clicks stacking ice as high as they can, you bust down HQ and ruin everything for them. Indexing and Makers Eye work together to rip agendas out of R&D. Test Run tutors your programs. Tinkering keeps you running on deep ice stacks with sentries and barriers.

Hardware: Lockpicks are fun because this deck can use them with impunity, but with all the other money, I may swap these out for something more useful, we'll see. Plascrete Carapace has one purpose and it's not fun. R&D Interface is your long term strategy.

Resources: Money! All resources are for cash, with Professional Contacts being most important. Mulligan for it and you will have all the money and draw you could need.

Programs: As you can see, this deck runs only decoders. Risky, I know, but with Paintbrush I feel confident it'll work. Plus Tinkering can smooth the rough spots and Escher can rewrite a huge ice stack. A full suite for Kit looks like this: Omega (for the last ice), Torch/Gordian Blade (for the first ice), and Paintbrush (for the ice in between). Paintbrush can be used more than once before you make the run, so they would need a stack with 6 ice, all non-code gates mind you, to keep you out. If a stack gets out of control on non-HQ, you can Escher, drag in some code gates and go to town. If you get locked out of HQ, no worries. Just destroy R&D or any remotes you want. Precious few Corps decks can afford to lock you out while still being able to do anything.

18 Apr 2014 Bananifier

Account siphon in Kit does wonders : early game, you're certain to access HQ if you want to, and it gives you the necessary boost to jump start your economy. Have you tried to add a single parasite, as you're left with two influence? It's pretty good with rototurrets, chimera, etc. (especially if you have to paint them instead).

You could also play stimhack, but it's not as good without SMC.

One last thing : you are playing a lot of good events, and Same Old Thing could be a plus in your build (another account siphon, another tinkering, etc.).

18 Apr 2014 Arnturl

I do like the look of this lineup, and actually built something similar. The only main differences were I had at least one of the other types of breakers in place of the cyphers(just in case), and I thoroughly enjoyed running Dino and a personal touch or two with that GB on it. Maybe I'll post that list just because I'm curious on what people would think of it, but paintbrush is a lot of fun when you have a 6 base strength GB staring at the corp and you're playing as Kit. :)

That was just my trial towards breaking paintbrush though, the lineup you have is really good too.

19 Apr 2014 tacullu

I like your idea, psilent, but no SOTs or Levys? And no Inti too?

20 Apr 2014 Stentorr

I like this idea very much and will give it a try ! Did you have any problems with MU ? With Paintbrush installed, you can only have 2 more programs, which I think may be a concern.

I also wonder if Indexing is a good choice with Kit since her power only lasts one run. How did it work for you testing this deck ?

I'll try to stack at least 2 Same old things too, for Account Siphon.

21 Apr 2014 wedgeex

I'd use those last two influence points for a Corroder. Wraparound is going to be difficult to deal with.

22 Apr 2014 Frostbyte

Excellent points guys, thanx. I have still yet to playtest this (my roommate has been unavailable and I don't play online as of yet), I'll address the issues you brought up.

For MU, you should only need a decoder, omega, and paintbrush. That's 4. As for Indexing, you make an excellent point, I'll probably swap it for Same Old Thing. I might also make room for Corroded, but that makes MU an issue, we'll see.