Liberated LeeMaw 1MNL

atuk84 255

This deck draws a lot of cards with Fisk Investment Seminar, Sports Hopper & Earthrise Hotel...

Carrier Fair Daily Cast, Earthrise Hotel or Liberated Account.

Two of each breaker to combat Hunter Seeker spam

Early game you want to drop Gang Sign, Aumakua, Maw and Aenas Informant and you can start running and do some damage.

Against asset spam deck, keep on Maw unprotected non-hostile assets and let corp mill their deck to the ground.

Fisk Investment Seminar + Equivocation + Leela bounce can sometimes flood Corp's HQ.

I find it regularly that midgame, corp will have a lot of agenda stuck in their hand, try to Sneakdoor Beta if possible.

Dean Lister helps when running and corp rezz Cyberdex Virus Suite so in response you can just pop Sports Hopper & Dean Lister to pump Aumakua strength.

15 Oct 2017 duckage

Sleeved this deck up and gave it a try. Lots of fun and lots of synergies here. Thaks for posting.

16 Oct 2017 atuk84

@duckage thanks for trying!