Vanuel Neuer 2.0 (3rd German Nats 2016)

Axul 389

Version 2.0, now with Emergency Shutdown for nasty rezzed Ice, won me at least one game at the Nats.

Hi, im Valencia Estevez, i used to be a sweet cayamben angel. But if you want, im no longer Valencia Estevez, but im Vanuel Neuer instead, famous german goalkeeper and a guy to take away nasty operations before they hit your goal. Or, instead, im turning into Vincewind, a famous Whizzard, who can make upgrades and assets disappear faster then you can say "Hey, thats expensiv".

If you dont understand the reference, check this Link:

6 Sep 2016 omnijeff

How much of an issue was Cyberdex Virus Suite or Archangel in your medium digs?

7 Sep 2016 Axul

Virus Suite does hurt, but most of times its ok, unless its installed, in which case it would be my fault not to trash it before going hard into R&D.

Archangel can be a real showstopper, but once you hit it, you can build Virus tokens without accessing additional cards and then go for a lot of cards on last click.