Smoke Paragon

Priestess of Athe 15

just for critique

24 Jan 2020 adamp113

Here are some comments based on my findings of playing Smoke exclusively for since she has come out. Take them for what they're worth :)

  1. Blackstone needs support - Datasucker is pick number 1, Takobi is a distant second. Reason being, datasucker works so well with the run-based synergy you already have.

When you are able to run an un-iced archives and get a Paragon trigger, Sec Test trigger, add a Mercur buck, and also get a token - you should be rocking and rolling. But Takobi doesn't fire in that scenario, it only fires when you break all subs on an ice.

This is unfortunate because (A) sometimes you just want to run a free un-iced archives, and Takobi gives you nothing, (B) A lot of the ice that just came out say things like, "runner can only break one sub-routine if placed on hq", (C) Afterimage often times just wants to by-pass and not break - so again, no tokens.

The ONLY downside to Sucker vs. Takobi is that it is a virus that can be purged, and it costs you one influence.

  1. I don't think you need both Pelangi AND a support program (either Takobi or Datasucker), so I would probably cut that card slot. It's nice, but it's also kind of a win-more card in my opinion.

  2. I have never found the economics of the Artist to justify her a slot in the deck. I prefer Kati to her, but both are quite click intensive for econ - and Smoke just wants to draw, and run, not click for creds. I DO run 1 Kati, but it's just in case I run into a 20 turn slog-fest with some crazy glacier deck.

  3. I would strongly suggest finding room for dirty laundry. It is perfect with Paragon/Sec Testing decks!

  4. I normally find 2 RDI is sufficient if I have enough draw, and Paragon is very much LIKE draw, and with Diesel you should be fine. I would cut the 3rd RDI.

  5. If you can bring yourself to ditch The Artist, then you could also ditch Hostage, and play a second Film Critic. This would give you 2 more influence for Datasucker and a 3rd Stimhack or a 2nd Turning Wheel.

Overall - the shell looks great. Here is what I would run if I was running Paragon Smoke with this shell:

-1 hostage -1 modded -1 RDI -1 The Artist -1 Pelangi -1 Takobi

+1 Film Critic +1 Datacusker +3 Dirty Laundry +1 TTW

Let me know what you think if you give it a whirl, I think you'll like it!