The Archimedes CT

yung_zoloft 45

This is my attempt at a Eureka! deck, which so far has been quite successful.

Getting Beckman out for cheap early on w/ tag protection is an enormous econ boost. Most often I will get her by turn 3 or 4 and she stays all game.

Angel Arena and Test Run are great tools for getting the right card on the top to be Eureka'd out. Dumping your entire credit pool into an Angel Arena isn't even necessary to get good use out of it. I generally put 4-6 counters on it to great effect.

Admittedly, this deck can take some time to set up, but it's still quite viable in early game with the threat of Test Run + Femme Fatale.

After some testing I think this deck might need Prepaids but I don't know what I would drop.

Comments and questions welcome.