ctz 4278

XxXCTZXxX started their turn 12 with 10 and 5 cards in their Grip.

XxXCTZXxX uses Beth Kilrain-Chang to gain .

XxXCTZXxX uses Temple of the Liberated Mind to gain .


XxXCTZXxX spends and 3 to play Apocalypse.

XxXCTZXxX uses Apocalypse to trash all installed Corp cards and turn all installed Runner cards facedown.

XxXCTZXxX spends and 1 to play Notoriety.

XxXCTZXxX uses Notoriety to add it to their score area as an agenda worth 1 agenda point.

XxXCTZXxX spends and 1 to play Notoriety.

XxXCTZXxX uses Notoriety to add it to their score area as an agenda worth 1 agenda point.

XxXCTZXxX wins the game. XxXCTZXxX XxXCTZXxX gg

[redacted] [redacted] gg

[redacted] [redacted] lucky


17 May 2018 robotmascot

like follow subscribe praise gord praise jangus

17 May 2018 x3r0h0ur

Damn, you got lucky to have enough ways to break all the ETRs, spend all the time drawing to your notos, all the time funding this, all before I got my winning combo off. Lucky.

18 May 2018 h0bb35

This looks super relaxing to play. Instant favorite! :)

18 May 2018 Scoogsy

2014 world champs?

21 May 2018 neuropantser

[redacted] father dan

29 May 2018 Vortilion

How exactly is this deck being played? Could someone write a “manual” for beginners like me? :)