GeneriKate - BC, Canada Regionals. 1st in Swiss, 3rd place.

Thike 1203

This is the list I took to my local regionals today in Vancouver, Canada. 43 players. 6 rounds, and I had a SC bye. 1st seed after swiss with 20/24 prestige, finished 3rd.

Basically Calimsha Kate. It's good, who knew?


R1: SC Bye

R2: NEH Fastro. #slottheclot

R3: TWIY Mushin/FA. Just blitzed RnD for a lot of agendas.

R4: RP, no surprises. I got a TFP and an NAPD very quickly, the my luck ran out. Missed a Nisei with a Legwork in a 4 card HQ. Indexing and 2x Makers Eyes wiffed. He Nisei-trained out. Only loss of the day as Kate.

R5: HB FA/Hybrid. #slottheclot

R6: HB ETF FA w/ NEXT ICE. #slottheclot

Elim 2: NEH Fastro. #slottheclot

Elim 3: Butchershop NEH. #slottheclot + I had very solid econ draws.

My corp let me down in elimination rounds, so that was the day! Up until I handed in my lists I was considering -Stimhack -Zu.13 +Yog.0 +Net-Ready Eyes to take advantage of the fact that we had only received Chrome City the day before, and I doubted that anyone would be ready for it. However, Stimhack is just too good. I never regretted the choice I made. I think there's still a Kate deck for Net-Ready Yog, I'm just not convinced that it improves this one.

31 May 2015 Thike

Also, in the future I'd go with -1 SMC +1 Quality Time. Calimsha is right on this one. I too often discard two SMCs on my way through my deck.