Alohomora - Jankbuilder

gumonshoe 2987

The Rules of Jankbuilder

In the Stimhack Slack there lives a bot. He is named stimbot, and he has a command where he will serve you jank. Jank is always an identity and 3 random cards chosen from the card pool. The resulting deck, must attempt to use the presented cards in the best way. Like Chopped, you can't ignore the secret ingredient. This ultimately means you have to build a sub-par deck and maximize it in its zone, which lets you exercise your deck building chops and think about things you wouldn't normally.

The Challenge


Stimbot Says: The Professor: Keeper of Knowledge + DaVinci + Modded + Diesel

The Results

This is surprisingly easy for a stimbot challenge. The previous guy had to do Kit/Qianju PT/Archives Interface/Mr. Li. So, I'm immediately in a good mood.

I figure I want to maximize run events, but there's only 1 worth running in a shaper deck and that's dirty laundry, so instead, I look at programs that have successful run triggers and what comes out is this weird Professor control deck that you see. Lamprey + Rook should allow you "headlock" your opponent's accounts with some smart femme play. London Library/Test Run/Scavenge should help do that without having much economy yourself. Pheromones should help provide money to continue the lock, and sac construct+clone chip will hold the corp down if this ever manages to be successful. Sneakdoor & Keyhole allow you to take advantage of a broke corp. And Opus should provide enough money if you have to go corroder/gordian+DinoFemme.

This is the most solid looking jank professor I've built, but its probably still bad. But hey, that's innovation in Jankbuilder. Enjoy! I take no responsibility, but I must balance the karma. For every good deck, there are 100 bad ones.


  1. Why professor? Well because I had to. But also at 16 influence, you can't build this in another shaper anyways.
  2. What's Modded good for? Most things. From memory expansion to medium 4 cost program installs. And also getting that opus into play while being a broke joke professor.
  3. DaVinci is used how? Extra economy for installing pressure pieces so that you can take advantage of running without worrying too much about actually making money in the first place. In a pinch, it can be used to install more memory or a piece from hand to allow extra pressure in a single turn. With enough counters, you might even get a free femme.
  4. Diesel seems like its barely there? True, but its good in any shaper deck. I feel like just slotting it makes the deck better anyways. No need to get fancy with this card to make it a valuable include. This was a gimme.

Jank Difficulty: 3/5


Not being able to squeeze in a data sucker, it just seems good in this build. Pawn was also considered as an include as we could have had 2 and done the scheherezade thing to have a jank-your-own depserado. But this is probably better without either. Crescentus makes the short list of something that belongs in a deck like this, but it would compete for recursion and femme+rook does a similar job, so we're not totally upset by this turn of events.