Peddling v1.5

paddosan 3408

As fast ad any Criminal, or even more. Rielle's ability coupled with many of the new C&C cards make for an incredible pressure on the Corp from the very first turns.
30 Sep 2013 paddosan

To expand on that, I initially made this to have a Shaper deck which could compete with the very aggressive Andromeda. I was quite surprised, though, when I noticed it's actually very solid even in late game... and that's mostly because with Escher and the possibility to recycle it (or the whole deck) over and over, you can build Code Gate towers on R&D and make fun of them with Cyber-Cypher. Used Escher 4 times once, in a game where most of the Corp's Agenda were in the last bunch of cards from R&D.

30 Sep 2013 Alsciende

Public Sympathy looks a bit out of place. It's a protection against Jinteki ?

It looks like you could have some trouble find your third breaker, with only 3 SMC and no way to tutor/recur them. Don't you sometimes find yourself locked out of a remote ?

30 Sep 2013 paddosan

PS is there mainly as a protection, yes, but I found it makes also easier to use Professional Contacts without having to trash tons of cards, so after a few tests I decided to keep it in the deck.

Finding all the breakers was my main worry as well, but after tons of testing I noticed that it is not really an issue. For a couple of reasons: first of all Indexing + TME is enough to win most of the time, and even when it isn't, I usually have a consistent point advantage early game, therefore I hardly need to check every remote a Corp builds. The second reason is made by a few "options": Rielle's ability (a remote needs two layers of ICE, otherwise I'll go in with just a Decoder) and Tinkering (even two layers might not be enough.

I actually won the last two games without Ninja, who had been discarded due to Net Damage, but since most Sentry don't actually stop and/or have a Trace, I usually manage to pass easily. Plus there's always Escher... and Levy is there as a last measure (with SOT to play it from the heap, in case it gets discarded).