Excaliber 2.0

chrispedersen 182

22 Dec 2014 chrispedersen

I enjoy this deck. It is shellgames - but a game where losing doesn't cost you an agenda.

First a few notes: EBC is there to tutor Jackson, San, or Melange. Usually in that order.

Mulligan for Levy, Ice and econ.

Setup: himi excalibur over hq. excalibur mother goddess over r & d excalibur chimera|himi over archives

Mother Goddess over remote.

Don't setup remotes until you get your econ and your centrals more or less iced properly.

Your scoring attempt will drop an agenda. When the runner runs, he will then hit an excalibur no matter where he runs.

Score out the agenda.

The recursion in this deck is to bring back excaliburs, since they are unique.

Second reason to wait til you are setup:

The way to beat this deck is AI's, Atman in particular. Use your power shutdowns to kill them.

Or, if you like living risky, to kill SMC's.

Remember to bring himi's back to your hand to make Mother typeless.

Variants: Chum + excalibur is fun. Swordsmen is very useful.

30 Dec 2014 novatero

Excalibur is unique card

30 Dec 2014 chrispedersen

Sure. You install the excalibur, but you only rez when you need to score out.

So you install excalibur on r & d. He runs - you rez. Regardless of what happens it ends the run and you score out your agneda. Drop another agenda.

He can't run r & d. so he runs archives. You rez excalibur, (trashing the other excalibur). Doesn't matter. Once again, he can't run again. You score out your agenda.

Since playing with this I've been playing with Nisei's and Unorthodox predictions.