Burn The House Down

Halflingspy 22

This deck is built around a dream idea I've had for a while: milling. I loved the idea with Noise, and had some success, but wanted to try a new angle. Pretty much, using central server breakers to keep up pressure, and win a tempo game against the Corp by making them lose money defending themselves by destroying those central servers over and over again. I think an anarch that doesn't use AI breakers might be a surprise I can use.

I have some reservations, such as money problems. I wanted to work Bhagat or Turning Wheel in here, but couldn't find space - that'll have to be tinkered with a little to find room after a few games.

7 Aug 2016 Toothball

I've been trying to run a similar deck with central breakers, although mostly focussed on trashing cards from HQ and R&D. Money has been my main problem with the deck so far. Do the Prepaids do enough of the work here?