Gangnam Style

yarsiemanym 237

So you think you can run Gangnam style, eh? I hope you brought a lot of cash.

The goal is to force the runner to pay a premium to do anything. Encryption Protocol make all assets and upgrades more expensive to trash. No agenda can be stolen without paying some kind of fee or winning the psi game. ICE taxes the runner while costing the corp next to nothing to rez.

With all of the small, annoying ICE, the runner is tempted to run with a minimalist rig and try to beat the corp in a straight-up economic battle but this usually proves more than their deck can handle. Nothing is more satisfying than watching the runner grasp at The Future Perfect as it moves from R&D to HQ to a remote server with Caprice to the corp's score area and not be able to steal it in multiple "successful" runs.

Junebugs make the runner cautious with remotes, but if he gets to complacent, you catch him off guard with a Ronin.